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Recruitment Marketplace: Angular, Node.js


The Jakey Industry wanted to create a Web app that allows users to connect job seekers with potential employers in a seamless and efficient manner. application must feature an intuitive user interface that allows job seekers to create comprehensive profiles and apply for job openings with ease .They decided to use Angular for the frontend and NodeJS for the backend and PostgreSQL as Database


Our client wanted following features in the app:

  • The platform should feature an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows job seekers to easily create profiles and apply for job openings. This can be achieved through a simple and streamlined registration process, as well as clear and concise job descriptions that provide all necessary information for potential candidates.
  • The platform should incorporate advanced search algorithms that can match job seekers with relevant job postings based on their skills and experience. This can be achieved through a comprehensive system of tags and filters that allow job seekers to refine their search and find the most suitable job openings.
  • The platform should enable employers to easily search for and reach out to potential candidates through the platform. This can be achieved through a messaging system that allows employers to directly communicate with job seekers, as well as tools for reviewing resumes and other relevant documents.


Our Team of experienced developers decided to use Angular for the frontend and NodeJS for the backend and PostgreSQL as Database.

Developing the Front-end:-Develop the front-end using Angular. We Use Angular components, services, and modules to build the UI and logic of your recruitment marketplace. Implement features such as job search, job applications, profile management, and messaging.

Building the Back-end:-Develop the back-end using Node.js and Express.js. To Define the API endpoints for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations. Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure the endpoints and user data.

Creating the Database:-Create a PostgreSQL database to store the data for the recruitment marketplace. Define the tables and relationships needed for your application, such as job postings, job applications, resumes, and user profiles.

Testing and Debugging:-For the application thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected, We Use testing frameworks such as Jasmine and Karma for unit testing, Protractor for end-to-end testing, and Postman for API testing.

Deploying the Application:-Deploy the application to a hosting provider such AWS. Ensure that the server environment is properly configured and secured. Use a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to automate the deployment process.

Maintenance and Support:-After deployment, maintain and support your recruitment marketplace. Monitor the application's performance, security, and scalability. Fix any bugs or issues that arise. Continuously improve the application's features and functionalities based on user feedback.

Building a recruitment marketplace using Angular, Node.js, and PostgreSQL requires careful planning, designing, and development. However, these technologies provide powerful tools and features that can help to create a robust and scalable application.

To ensure the scalability and reliability of the platform,we use a cloud-based infrastructure that can handle a large number of users and job postings. Additionally, features that promote transparency and trust, such as a review system, should be implemented to encourage positive interactions between employers and job seekers.


With the implementation of the web application and recruitment marketplace for the Jakey industry by JaiInfoway, the results are impressive. The platform provides an intuitive interface for job seekers and employers, with advanced search algorithms that enable efficient job matching. The platform is scalable and reliable, handling a large number of users and job postings. The system has enhanced communication between employers and job seekers, with a review system that promotes transparency and trust. Overall, Jai Infoway provide a reliable and effective solution for connecting job seekers with opportunities For the Jakey industry


User registration and authentication:- Users can sign up for an account, log in, and manage their profiles. Employers can post job listings, and job seekers can apply for jobs.

Search functionality:- Users can search for jobs by keyword, location, industry, and other filters.

Messaging:- Users can communicate with each other through an internal messaging system, facilitating the application process and allowing for questions and clarifications.

Resume/CV management:- Job seekers can upload and manage their resumes/CVs, making it easier to apply for multiple jobs.

Job application tracking:- Employers can manage and track job applications, including resumes/CVs and other documents.

Reviews and ratings:- Users can rate and review employers and job seekers, helping to establish credibility and trust.

Analytics and reporting:- The platform can provide insights and analytics on job listings, applications, and other key metrics, allowing employers to optimize their recruitment strategies.

Industry - : Recruitment/Staffing

Technology Leveraged

  • Angular
  • Node.JS
  • PostgreeSQL
  • AWS
  • Postman

After the project was finished, the client was thrilled with the performance and outcome.

It was a delightful experience made possible by the jai infoway team's superb comprehension of the requirements. They were also a lot of talkers and grabbers of attention. All of our expectations were surpassed by Jai Infoway.