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The Doctor On Demand Digital Health company wanted to create a mobile app to allow users to track their health data, including activity levels, sleep patterns, and vital signs. They decided to use ReactJS for the frontend and NodeJS for the backend of the app.


Our client wanted following features in the app:

  • Users should be able to track their activity levels, including steps taken and calories burned.
  • Users should be able to track their sleep patterns.
  • Users should be able to track their vital signs, including heart rate and blood pressure.
  • The app should have secure authentication and authorization features.


The development team decided to use ReactJS for the frontend of the app because of its ability to efficiently render components and handle user interactions. They also decided to use NodeJS for the backend because of its ability to handle high volumes of requests and its support for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for authentication and authorization.

For the activity tracking feature, the team implemented a component that displayed a user's activity data and allowed them to input new data. They connected this component to the backend using an API that stored the activity data in

Code Sample

This code defines a middleware function called verifyToken that is used to verify the JWT sent in the request header. If no token is provided, an error is returned. If a token is provided, it is verified using the jwt.verify function. If the verification is successful, the decoded user ID is stored in the request object and the next middleware function is called. If the verification fails, an error is returned.

This middleware function can be used to protect routes that require authentication by including it in the route definition. In this example, the verifyToken middleware is used for all routes under the /api/protected path. This means that any request to these routes will need to include a valid JWT in the request header in order to be

Nodejs Code For Sleep Pattern

This code defines a route for '/api/sleep' with two endpoints: one for retrieving sleep data and one for adding new sleep data. The GET endpoint retrieves all sleep data from the database and sends it back to the client in the response. The POST endpoint adds new sleep data to the database and sends the new data back to the client in the response. The new data is taken from the request body, and the user ID is taken from the request object (which was stored by the JWT verification middleware).

Technical Solution

In the case study on the digital health mobile app, the development team implemented the following technical solution:

Frontend: ReactJS was used for the frontend of the app because of its ability to efficiently render components and handle user interactions. Components were implemented for each of the app's features (activity tracking, sleep tracking, and vital sign tracking) to allow users to input and view their data.

Backend: NodeJS was used for the backend of the app because of its ability to handle high volumes of requests and its support for JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for authentication and authorization. APIs were implemented to connect the frontend components to the backend and allow users to input and view their data. The data was stored in a secure database to protect the privacy of user information.

Authentication and authorization: JWTs were used to provide secure authentication and authorization for the app. When a user logs in, the backend generates a JWT and sends it to the frontend, which stores it and includes it in the header of subsequent requests to the backend. The backend verifies the JWT before processing the request.

Overall, this technical solution allowed the app to provide users with a convenient and easy-to-use platform for tracking their health data and ensured that the app was secure and protected the privacy of user information.

Business Value

The digital health mobile app could provide the following business values:
  • Improved customer engagement: By providing a convenient and easy-to-use platform for tracking health data, the app could increase customer engagement and make it easier for users to access the company’s services.
  • Improved customer retention: The app could contribute to an improvement in customer retention by providing a high-quality, convenient experience for users.
  • Increased revenue: The app could generate additional revenue through subscriptions or paid features, such as personalized health plans or advanced analysis of health data.
  • Improved customer trust: The use of secure authentication and authorization features, such as JWTs, could increase customer trust in the app and the company.
  • Increased brand awareness: By providing a modern and user-friendly app, the company could increase its brand awareness and attract new customers.
  • Improved health outcomes: By providing users with a platform for tracking and managing their health data, the app could potentially improve the health outcomes of users. This could lead to cost savings for users and increased customer satisfaction.

The development team implemented a microservices-based API architecture for the app, with each feature of the app being implemented as a separate API. This allowed them to scale the app easily and made it easier to maintain. They used Google App Engine to host the APIs and connected them to the backend using Google Cloud SQL.

The development team stored the patient data in a table in Google Cloud SQL, with columns for the patient's personal information, medical history, and test results. They also implemented appropriate indexing to allow for fast querying of the data. They implemented security measures to protect the confidentiality of the data and ensure HIPAA compliance.

The development team implemented a user-friendly interface for the app using Angular. The interface included a dashboard page that displayed the patient data in tables and charts and a form for updating the patient data. They also implemented a login page that used Google OAuth for secure authentication. The interface was responsive, ensuring that it was easy to use on various devices.

Industry - : Healthcare

Technology Leveraged

  • React
  • Node
  • JSON
  • API
  • JWT

When the project was finished, the client was overjoyed with the performance and outcome.

It was a lovely experience since the jai infoway team had a wonderful understanding of the needs. They were also quite talkative and interesting. Jai Infoway more than lived up to our expectations.